Quarantine Digests
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Mesh can be configured to send users and administrators regular email digests, that list their quarantined email. The frequency and what time these digests can be controlled by the partner or administrator.
Quarantine digests are sent on a frequency determined by your organization.
You will only receive a digest if there has been newly quarantined email since your last digest.
Emails are kept in the quarantine for 28 days. After 28 days has passed, actions cannot be taken on the quarantined email. It cannot be delivered, previewed, or deleted.

Stats Breakdown
The stats breakdown at the top of each email shows you email stats over the last 30 days. There are four separate categories.
Number of quarantined emails that included some from of malicious content such as URLs to phishing websites or phishing activity, contained malware, or attempts to impersonate other users at your company.

Number of quarantined emails that were marked as Spam-Likely, Spam-High, or Spam-Definite. These are emails that contain content deemed to be “spammy”.

Number of quarantined emails that were stopped due to a a user made policy.

Number of emails that were marked as safe and delivered.

Email Actions
Four options are presented to the user when an email they have received is quarantined.
Remove the email from quarantine and deliver the email. The user is also given the option to allow future emails from the sender or domain.
Note: Allow rules DO NOT override the malware or phishing verdict. This is for security reasons. Partners/administrators can implement a “Custom Rule” within the portal to circumvent this check.
View the contents of the email within a web browser before carrying out any action.
Delete the email from the quarantine and create a block rule for the domain or sender if desired.

Send a notification to the customer administrator or to partner defined addresses to request delivery of the email.
Quarantined emails given a banned, phishing, malware, or geo filter need to be requested.