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Auto Remediation

Our Auto Remediation function is available to partners using Mesh Unified. It enhances email security by scanning the inbox for 48 hours post-delivery. This feature allows for the notification or automatic removal of emails that become weaponized after their initial delivery.

For information on the Remediate feature, see this article: Remediate

Step 1: Navigate to Policy

Navigate to the Policy page.


Step 2: Select Auto Remediation

Select the “Auto Remediation” tab.

Step 3: Configure settings

Off: This will switch off the notifications and auto remediate feature.

Notify Only: The “Notify Only” option which will send an email alert containing details about the email that should be remediated. The email will need to be manually remediated by a partner team member or administrator via the Live Email Tracker.

Auto Remediate: This will send an email alert containing details about the email and automatically remediate it from the mailbox.

Send Notifications To:

  • Administrators - Sends alert to every mailbox that has an administrator role at the customer level.

  • Partner - Sends alert to the addresses defined at MSP level.


Step 4: Apply to Customers

Click the apply button to push changes to customers. Applying the changes from the partner view will override the auto remediation settings in place for selected customers.

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