Sorting Columns in the Live Email Tracker
This option allows you to modify what columns are visible in the Live Email Tracker.
Step 1:
Navigate to the "Live Email Tracker" page in the sidebar.
Step 2:
Select the “slider” icon and select the from the list of options.

Step 3:
Press the apply button to search button.
The following sorting filters are available:
Date & Time - Show or hide "Date &Time" column. This shows the date and time the email was received.
From - Show or hide the "From" column. This shows the sender email address.
To - Show or hide the "To" column. This shows the recipient email address.
Subject - Show or hide the "Subject" column. This shows the subject in the email.
Customer - Show or hide "Customer" column. This shows which customer received the email.
Category - Show or hide the email "Category" column This shows the classification of the email.
Status - Show or hide the "Status" column. This shows the if the email has been delivered or quarantined.
Service - Show or hide "Service" column. This shows the if the customer is signed up for Mesh Gateway or Mesh 365.
Queue Id - Show or hide "Queue ID" column. This shows the internal identification number of the email as it passed through the service.
AS Score - Show or hide "AS Score" column. This shows the Anti-Spam score.
Message ID - Show or hide "Message ID" column. This shows the message ID that located in the headers.
Sender IP - Show or hide "Sender IP" column. This shows the origin IP of the email.
Attachments - Show or hide "Attachments" column. This shows if there are any attachments present.
Actions - Show or hide "Actions" column. This shows the "Eye" icon to preview an email.