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Create a Mail Flow Rule for Mesh in Microsoft 365

In order to allow email filtered by Mesh to be delivered safely without any double filtering from Microsoft, you need to create a mail flow rule in Microsoft 365 for Mesh’s IP ranges.

It is recommended that you consult Microsoft’s official documentation to ensure the setup is relevant to your environment.

This guide covers the following scenario:

Step 1:

Navigate to the “Mail Flow” section in your Exchange Admin Center and select “Rules”.

Step 2:

Click the plus icon and select “Create a new rule”.

Step 3:

Give the rule a name.

Step 4:

Under the “Apply this rule if…” dropdown menu. Select “The sender is located…”. A pop-up window will appear with two options. Select “Outside this Organization”.

Step 5:

To add a second condition you will need to click “More options” at the bottom of the pop box. In the second condition, select “IP address is any of these ranges of exactly matches”.

Step 6:

Enter the Mesh IP ranges specific to your region into the text box and click the plus icon. You can find the IP ranges here.
It should appear highlighted in the list below the input box.

(The IP shown here is for example purposes only. Do not use)

Step 7:

Under the “Do the following…”, select “Modify the message properties” and select “set the spam confidence level (SCL)”.

Step 8:

Set the “SCL” to “Bypass spam filtering".

Step 9:

The completed rule should look like this.

You’re all set!

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