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Create a Mail Flow Rule for Mesh in Microsoft 365 / Exchange (Inbound)

In order to allow email filtered by Mesh to be delivered safely without any double filtering from Microsoft, you need to create a mail flow rule in Microsoft 365 / Exchange for Mesh’s IP ranges.

It is recommended that you consult Microsoft’s official documentation to ensure the setup is relevant to your environment.

This guide covers the following scenario:

Step 1: Navigate to the Mail Flow

Navigate to the “Mail Flow” section in your Exchange Admin Center and select “Rules”.

Step 2: Add a rule

Select “Add a Rule” and then “Create a new rule”.


Step 3: Rule Conditions

Give the rule a name and apply the following rule conditions.

  • The sender → is external/internal → Outside the organization.



  • The sender → IP address is any of these ranges or exactly matches → Enter the Mesh IP ranges specific to your region. You can find the IP ranges here.

    Screenshot 2024-07-31 at 12.15.45-20240731-111607.png

Important: Ensure you use the IP range applicable to your region. Using the incorrect range will result in loss of email.

Step 4: Do the Following

Under the “Do the following”, select “Modify the message properties”, select “set the spam confidence level (SCL)”, choose “Bypass Spam Filtering”.


Step 5: Completed Rule

The completed rule conditions should look like this.


Step 6: Rule Settings

The rule settings do not need to be changed and you can select next.


Step 7: Enable Rule

Once saved it will appear in the list of rules. Ensure it is enabled.


You’re all set!

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