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Creating Team Members

This guide outlines how to manually create a team member.

When you create your NFR account and sync mailboxes from Azure, these will be populated at both the customer level (Users page) and the MSP level (Team Members page). However, none of these accounts will have Team Member roles until you edit each account and set the relevant roles and permissions.

Step 1: Navigate to the "Team Members"

Navigate to the "Team Members" page in the sidebar.

Step 2: Select "New +"

Select "New +" in the top right corner.

Step 3: Fill out applicable fields

Fill out the First Name, Last Name, and Email text field.

Step 4 (Optional): Enable Partner Role

If you wish to assign management roles to a team member, enable the partner role. The different roles are explained in the table below.

Step 5 (Optional): Add at Customer Level

If you wish to also add the user as end users, toggle the "Add at Customer Level" option.

Tip: “Add at customer level" allows team members to login at customer level (your NFR account) to create allow/block rules and to receive quarantine digests.

Step 6: Create Password

Email or create a password for the team member.

Step 7: Submit

Click submit to save the details.

Team Members Permissions Explained

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