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Create an Outbound Gateway in Google Workspace

This guide explains how to configure an outbound gateway in Google Workspace.

More information can be found here:

Changes may take up to 24 hours

Add an outbound gateway route

  1. Go to

  2. In the Admin console, go to Menu -> Apps -> Google Workspace -> Gmail -> Hosts.

  3. Click Add Route.

  4. For Name, enter a route name for the outbound gateway.

  5. For Enter host name or IP, enter the smarthost specific to your region.

  6. Select the options that you want to enable:

    • Important: Uncheck "Perform MX lookup".

    • Ensure the following boxes are checked:
      a. Require mail to be transmitted via a secure (TLS) connection (Recommended).
      b. Require CA signed certificate (Recommended).
      c. Validate certificate hostname (Recommended).

  7. Click Test TLS connection to verify the connection to the receiving mail server.

  8. Click Save.

Set up the outbound gateway route in Gmail

You can set up an outbound gateway using the Routing setting or the Outbound gateway setting. We recommend using the Routing setting whenever possible.

  1. Go to

  2. In the Admin console, go to Menu -> Apps -> Google Workspace -> Gmail -> Routing.

  3. Make sure your top-level organizational unit is selected.

  4. For Routing, click ConfigureEdit, or Add another rule.

  5. Enter a name or description for the routing setting.

  6. For Email messages to affect, check the Outbound box.

  7. For For the above types of messages, do the following, select Modify message.

  8. For Route, check the Change route box.

  9. Click Normal routing and select your outbound gateway route from the list.

  10. To require TLS for onward delivery, check the Require secure transport (TLS) box.

  11. Click Add setting or Save.

  12. At the bottom, click Save.

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