Release Notes 1.4.9
New Features
HTML Attachment Filter
Visibility within the LET for Allow/Block rule application
Outbound - Auto Forwarding
Outbound - Sender Based Routing
Allow Partners to apply existing global rules when creating a new order
Allow Download of emails from the LET
Add 'Applied To' column to the policy table
Org level rules can now be imported via csv
Restriction on end users creating a same domain allow rule
Button linking directly to new order form at the top of the MSP hub
Can update Mail Platform directly in the UI e.g changing from GSuite to O365
General Visual Improvements to User & Team member Tables
Apply 2fa directly on the Order Form
Improvements on Azure Delta Sync Queries - name changes for shared Mailboxes
Bug Fixes
Allow/Block rule TLD limits
Order Form company name parsing
Admin time resetting to 00:00 on the dashboard
Reject logs parsing error for recipient domains that contain hyphens