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Create an Inbound Gateway for Mesh in Google Workspace

To ensure email filtered by Mesh is delivered safely without any double filtering from Google, you need to create an inbound Gateway for Mesh in Google Workspace.

It is recommended that you consult Google’s official documentation.

If you are moving from another Secure Email Gateway, you will likely have an existing connector in place to reject emails that aren't sent from a specific IP range.

You will need to remove this before changing MX records to prevent clean email filtered by Mesh from being rejected

Step 1: Navigate to Google Admin

Navigate to Google Admin → Gmail. Select - Spam, Phishing and Malware


Step 2: Edit Inbound Gateway

Click on edit Inbound Gateway.

Step 3: Add IPs

Check the box to enable and add the Mesh delivery IP ranges specific to your region.

Step 4: Automatically Detect External IP

Check the box to Automatically detect external IP

Step 5: Create Regexp

Check the box "Message is considered spam if the following header regexp matches"

  • Enter a random string into the Regexp text box.

  • This value does not matter as long as it will not appear in the email headers.

Step 6: Disable Spam Evaluation

Check the box "Disable Gmail spam evaluation on mail from this gateway; only use header value"

The setup should now look like this:

You’re all set!

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